Outdoor Experential Learning workshsops
Most of our workshops are held in natural and ecological setting as the ambience helps the participants to relax, slow down and tune in to the softer aspect of oneself such as empathy and compassion which is the foundation for teamwork.
We use a combination of extroverted (adventure, creativity, cerebral) and introspective activities such as mindfulness. The practices help to reprogram what the psychologists call the ‘default mode network’ and take control of habitual negative pattern i.e. thoughts and behaviour.
The participants go home with very clear goals, tools and set of practices for further development.
This is one of the most important but often overlooked aspect of a workshop as it helps in integrating, developing and sustaining the lessons learned into day to day work work and life.
The areas where we can make tangible impact are
Leadership skills, Team Building, Work life balance, Communication, Negotiation & presentation skills, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching Skills, Managing Change and many more!
​Educational Institutes
Improving life skills, Environment awareness, wilderness education, adventure camps and more.