How does our experential learning programs help individuals, teams and organisations realise their true potential ? ..read on!
At Moksh Consulting, we believe that the answers are already within us. If that's the case, why does it feel so challenging to uncover them?
Qualities essential for success; such as ability to focus, clarity of thought, persistence, critical thinking, empathy, team-work etc are potential within us but
obfuscated with mental chatter and destructive emotions such as anger, jealousy, fear etc.
The major thrust area of our Experential Learning Workshops is to create an environment helping you find answers through various activities, simulations and games facilitating self awareness, reflection, critical thinking and ideation.
Most of our workshops are held in natural and ecological setting as the ambience help the participants to relax, slow down and tune in to the softer aspect of oneself such as empathy and compassion which's the foundation for teamwork.
We use a combination of extroverted (adventure, creativity, cerebral) and introspective activities such as mindfulness. The practices help to reprogram what the psychologists call the ‘default mode network’ and take control of habitual negative pattern i.e. thoughts and behaviour.
The participants go home with very clear goals, tools and set of practices for further development.
This is one of the most important but often overlooked aspect of a workshop as it helps in integrating, developing and sustaining the lessons learned into day to day work and life.
About Us
Our Journey with Moksh Consulting started in the summer of 2010 with a shared vision to touch lives and an honest endeavour to help people realise their true potential.
Our professional experience in industries such as consulting, manufacturing, service, youth development etc, gives us an in-depth understanding of human psychology and the challenges of modern times.
One of our core specialities! We use a variety of extroverted as well as introspective activities besides leaving the participants on a high - after a typical program, the participants take home clear goals, tools and practices for further development.
Outbound Experential Learning Workshops
Looking for ideas to spice-up your dealer meets, conferences or events? We'll do a tremendous value add with our range of versatile activities which can be carried out both indoors and outdoors. We have rich experience of executing programs of this nature with number of participants ranging from 10 to 300.
High Energy Events
In a typical classroom setting we use simulations, case studies, games, role plays, theatre, art, music and a variety of activities making the learning an enjoyable experience. Some of the areas where we can make a tangible impact..
Leadership skills
Team Building
Work life balance
Communication skills
Negotiation & presentation skills
Emotional Intelligence
Coaching Skills,
Managing Change and many more!
Behavioural Workshops- Indoors
We bring the workshop to the clients' premises considering the hectic schedules and demands of modern business. The duration of the session is about 2-3 hours. Benefits include increased attention, concentration leading to increased productivity, well being, stress reduction and joy. know more >
In this competitive & stimulus driven society, children are put through tremendous pressure to achieve goals set by others. As a result, behavioural difficulties such as ADHD, stress and aggression have become common.
Our experntial learning camps are designed to 'help children develop the acumen to understand and manage emotions constructively.'
Besides creating and ambience where the students connect with nature the key focus area of our programs is self awareness where we wrok to help the participants get in touch with their thoughts and emotions through various introspective and mindfulness based activities in a fun way.
Mindfulness & Stress Management Workshops
Outdoor Workshops for children and youth
Some of the clients we work with